Sunday, January 27, 2008

Safe and sound.

Hello everyone… sorry I haven’t been updating my blog, but I guess better late than never right. To be honest so much as gone on I’m not sure where to start. I guess starting with the place I live would be good. I’m staying in a service apartment hotel… Basically I have a studio apartment that someone comes and changes my sheet and towel, if I forgot to put the dishes in the dishwasher they have done that too. But knowing someone is going to come in makes me keep my place cleaner. I started off in an apartment right above the downstairs bar… which was fine but at night I can hear the people who are outside… and I was in the middle size studio and was supposed to be in the larger studio… they moved me to the 9th floor and a bigger place. When I moved in here on Wednesday I finally got to unpack. It has been interesting because my wardrobe had 6 hangers, I bought 8 more, but there isn’t room for much more than that. There are also no drawers so I have everything folded on shelves. I have my undergarments I cloth bags so that they aren’t out in the open. I don’t think everyone wants to see that. Oh I also did laundry for the first time… which was very entertaining. In my place I have washer and dryer in one. I threw in two pair of jeans. I ran through the wash dry cycle… but my jeans were still fairly wet when I took them out so I threw them if for just drying, but I’m not sure what I did wrong cause several hours later the mashing was still going. I tried to stop it and remove my pants but the door wouldn’t open. I ended up having to run another wash / dry cycle to get my stuff out. Note: there are no user manuals for how anything works… so with each appliance in my place I seem to have had difficulties.

Last night I went out to a pub and then to a club with a family friends running team. It was VERY interesting. The club played a mix of music the most random music most of which I didn’t know but there sounded like there was stuff from the 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and also a little bit of reggae… at times I felt like I was on the set of Austin powers with the way people were dancing. It was a great time.

I will write another blog on driving… for now I will just say… I’m getting better at it…. I’m off to run some errands in the city center. Hope everyone is doing great!

Cheers, Danielle

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Potential pad and temporary address.

My potential pads… so right now I guess they are looking at two different corporate apartments for us.
I’m either living


I’m flying over on Thursday the 17th then temporally staying at a hotel… most likely it will be a Marriott. I will let everyone know my address when i find out. Untill then if you need to mail something you can send it to the Junction solutions office C/O Danielle Watz

Junction Solutions UK
302 Ringinglow Road
Sheffield S11 7PX