Sunday, April 26, 2009

Burn after reading

Tonight Arthur and I watched Burn After Reading. The best part is when Brad Pitt gets hit in the face. It is the only part worth watching. Enough said. I don't recommend watching this movie.

As Arthur has been working on his training plan for Pikes Peak, he has been creating a training schedule for me to get back into running. My last 10k was 8:40 minute miles and my last 5k was not much faster. I would really enjoy running races at a faster pace. I am not expecting to PB, as I used to be able to run 6 something miles. For my next goal I would like to run around 8 minute miles for a 10K which would be a 49:36 and around 7:40 mile for a 5k (23:48). Also, to help this endeavor we have converted our basement to a workout room, put a bid on a weight bench on Ebay. This means I will be getting in shape. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


For those of you who don’t know what IOM is it is the Isle of Man. It is an island between Britain and Ireland. This is part of the United Kingdom and is a tax haven. We went to the IOM for Easter for a running festival. There are three races, a pub crawl and a few beer races. The first race is a 10K on Friday, after that is the first beer trials, there are two rounds. Saturday there is hill race, and a 10 mile pub crawl. Sunday is a 5k and then a party where teams compete in beer races. This is the IOM running festival web site.

Friday, Arthur ran the 10k this was the only race I didn’t run. Then we went back to the Bed and Breakfast and had the beer races. There are two rounds each round you drink one pint as quickly as possible. The first round is randomly assigned and Arthur and I were up against each other. It was a close race but Arthur won. The second round they have you race the person with the closest time to yours… I had a race against two others and beat both my competitors. ☺ After the beer race I was off to bed.

Saturday we hung out then headed for the hill race. The guys raced first, so I hiked up the hill to cheer them on. Then I ran the race, this was very challenging as it is a very very steep hill. As I think the picture accurately displays. Then we dressed as bees for Emma’s hen do (Bachelorette party). Another fun picture of all the girls dress like bees. Then we started on the pub crawl. This is a 10 mile pub crawl, between bars there can be up to a 2.5 mile run. This ended up being a very late night.

Sunday we woke up early for the 5k race, which I was convinced would be a wonderful present for my mothers birthday, which happened on Friday. I ran the 5K, very slowly as I was sore from the hill race and 10mile pub crawl. That afternoon we watched a football game, then went to the final party of the festival, and enjoyed some team beer racing… again here are a few pictures.