Sunday, April 26, 2009

Burn after reading

Tonight Arthur and I watched Burn After Reading. The best part is when Brad Pitt gets hit in the face. It is the only part worth watching. Enough said. I don't recommend watching this movie.

As Arthur has been working on his training plan for Pikes Peak, he has been creating a training schedule for me to get back into running. My last 10k was 8:40 minute miles and my last 5k was not much faster. I would really enjoy running races at a faster pace. I am not expecting to PB, as I used to be able to run 6 something miles. For my next goal I would like to run around 8 minute miles for a 10K which would be a 49:36 and around 7:40 mile for a 5k (23:48). Also, to help this endeavor we have converted our basement to a workout room, put a bid on a weight bench on Ebay. This means I will be getting in shape. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I've given up on the Coen brothers. After the part with Brad Pitt in the closet, the movie just went down the toilet. And I still wish I could have those two hours of my life back that I had spent watching "No Country for Old Men."