Sunday, November 29, 2009


This past weekend Arthur and I spend the weekend in the Lake District with 3 other couples celebrating James’ 30th Birthday. It was a brilliant weekend filled with drinking, playing on the Wii, fake moustaches, hiking, running in the rain, good food and best of all good friends. Friday night we arrived at the cabin had pizza and hung out with a few drinks. Since it is the end of Movember and Paul had been growing a moustache, he brought fake moustaches for everyone to wear. I have to say I am not a fan as it made my nose itch!

Emma and Arthur showing off their stylish moustaches.

Saturday morning we relaxed before setting off for a small hike, the weather was perfect, cool but not raining. We were going to do a short loop, but when we reached the point where the hike up Red Tarn / Helvellyn starts a few of us felt the mountain calling for us to at least go up to Red Tarn. I am so glad we did as we got to play around in about 4 -5 inches of snow! Unfortunately we did start our hike earlier or we probably would have hiked up to the top of Helvellyn. I am sure the view from the top would have been beautiful! Below are several pictures from the hike.

Stream at the start of the trail.

The Crew (James, Emma, Dave, Sam, Arthur, Danielle, Katrina, Paul)

Started seeing frost on the tops of the hills

The mountain calling to us to keep climbing!

We have reached the snow!
Maybe I should have had boots.
We reached Red Tarn.

The snowman at Red Tarn.
Arthur at Red Tarn
Arthur and I
Emma leading the way back down as the sun had already started to set.

Saturday night we had a curry, a few drinks and played on the Wii. I am a better skier in real life than on the Wii.

Sunday morning we woke up and several of us went running (Emma, Arthur and James for a long run and I for a short run). It was absolutely chucking it down and the wind was very strong! After coming back looking like a drowned rat, a warm shower and big breakfast warmed us up. Then it we had to drive back home.


1 comment:

The Glunks said...

glad to see a post on the blog! sounds like an amazing weekend! :)