Sunday, May 1, 2011

April 30 and 8 inches of snow

On April30,2011 Arthur and I went to hang out at the beach and snowboard at A-basin (Arapahoe Basin). It is suppose to be one of those days were you hang out in the sun, grill and have a few beer. Then, while you there try to snowboard if you are skier and ski if you are a snowboarder. Arthur had been looking forward to it for about a month. Then the Colorado weather hit and they got 8 inches of snow. Now as most people know 8 inches of snow is a great powder day! Could Arthur and I pass up skiing in the beautiful powder? NO! So we brought both Skis and snowboards. In the morning we took several runs in the powder and then attempted our fate at snowboarding in the afternoon (after all the powder had been tracked out).

Unfortunately we forgot our camera so there is no pictures of me crashing or connecting turns on the snowboard. The next day we were both very sore, but it was a great day and look forward to attempting to snowboard again.

P.S. Thanks to the Lindsay and Dave for waking up at 4AM to get the beach spot!

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