Monday, September 8, 2008

Running and Biking

Arthur has signed me up for the Abbey Dash. So it is official I will be running a 10K on November 23. I started my ‘train’ this week, which mean no more skipping my runs. It is a 12 week training plan… On my entry form Arthur estimated I will run a time of 50 min (around an 8 min mile). I would be delighted if I ran 50 min. I think it is a bit optimist considering how I have been running. Since, I don’t want to get frustrated if I don’t reach that goal… I am going to time myself figure out how fast I have been running. To be honest, I have no idea how fast I have been running/ jogging. I want to make sure I set a realistic goal. The current plan is for me to run 4 times a week for now. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I will run for 30-40 min and on Sunday I will run for an hour. This is the plan for the next three weeks. For my first week… I ran 30 min on Tuesday, 30 min on Thursday… I skipped Saturday cause I was wasn’t feeling very well (my coach skipped his run too). To make up for it I was a crazy woman on Sunday, even though I still wasn’t feeling very good. I ran off and on for 2 hours while watching and cheering for a few friends running the Leeds half marathon. I have figured I ran somewhere between 7-8 miles. Even though I have run further in the past I felt like it was a great accomplishment. I have two more weeks of phase one. Then I will move on to phase two… not sure what that entails, but I will keep you posted. I will defiantly be running next weekend as I am headed to the Mountain Hut this year with Doss (click here for more details/pictures on the hut). It is a week of running, hiking, and no showers. I am only staying for the weekend so there will really only be one day I don’t shower. I will defiantly write a blog about that next week!

In other news… I bought a mountain bike on last Sunday… there just happened to be a great bike on sale for a great price. It was begging me to buy it and take it home. I am SOOO excited. I get to pick up the bike on Friday.

I got the Myka Pro version… which means I better also start biking! Who knows soon I might start training for triathlons.
Love you all, Danielle xx

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